wtorek, 14 września 2010

Some new/old pictures from Feb 27th, 2010

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Rob and Kristen in Cosmo (France) - October 2010 Issue


Robert Pattinson, 24 years old, alias Rob Pattz his surname, given by milions of fans, makes pleasantly american big mainstream productions, but he is english ,not american. And carries with him a sort of british mithology that he surely embodies. He is surely an inalterable gentleman when he offers his jacket to an american trembling journalist. And he has also an elegant way of hiding himself and not bragging, and staight faced he says (making an impression to the listener) ” my hair represents the 75% of my performance on screen”, to explain his personal success in the role of Edward Cullen, the teen vampire from Stephenie Meyer’s Saga.

His British blood also is visible in his romantic features and body, perfect made for a re-adaptation of Wuthering Heights, or a movie adaptation of Jane Austen’s novels. Big “girlie” eyes, surrounded by big but well designed eyebrows, red lips, long limbed body, he was aware and bet on that androgynous appareance: “I begun as a model at six years. While I was growing and I resembled to a girl, he tells, I’ve worked a lot, because everyone wanted boys that looked like girls, but when I grow up and I became more masculine I’ve lost all my works, and nobody called me anymore”

When he was a child, he was envied by his older sisters for his beautiful curls and his “bambi”’s eyes. “until I became twelve, they dress me like a girl and they introduce me as “Claudia”". A sort of traumatic experience, but it did not change his tipically british phlegm. ”at twelve I went to a normal boarding school, I discovered hair gel and I became cool” And he is still cool.

Cinema enters his life
Less you can say about him is that he is not megalomaniac. He became an actor making a tv series Nibelungs’ Ring and he really knew nearly nothing about acting. Her mother herself, a model agency director, did not believe in his future as an actor and told him to find other ways. And the beautiful Rob himself exceeds in depreciate himself, laugh at himself and cool humor : “when I was younger, I’ve been beaten a few times, but I was an idiot too, even if I think that that assoults to me were injustified, beacuse I started an actor career and I started also to behave the way I thought an actor had to behave, So this attitude was mistaken for a provocation, and so many people ended to have an invincible desire to hit me”

Did He suffered his blood to have Edward Cullen role?
No, Pattinson was on his way and made a little step in this direction by playing a short role in Harry Potter, that made him known to the general audience. Even after he made the first Twilight movie he was not convinced about his talent and he left the theather during the Twiilight Premiere, because he didn’t want to see himself on screen.

As prevedible, “Twilight became a worlwide phenomenon, and Rob became the ideal prey for paparazzi and young girls, exited by his scruffy hair and his marble figure. But, even in that occasion, Mister Pattinson stayed cool, and used his humor to face off that situation: “I went to an autograph session in a convention, it has been one of the most interesting experience at all. It was so bizarre seeing so many people paying for an autograph,I will always say that I felt I had to do more for them, a little dance or something else” Anyway Rob, is always a little scared about the crowd, but he will come to tems with
He vampirize the screen

Even if he seems not to put himself really in things, Rob has a charisma like few important people. In Remember Me, a romantic drama, made between two twilight episodes, you can see only him, Rob, smoking cigarettes, one after the other, tormented by the thought of his brother Michael suicide. Rob destabilized by his father attitude, a business man that neglets his family, Rob’s overflowing tenderness for his sister, a talented girl, dedicated to painting. In brief, If we had the “skirt day”, now Remember Me is the “Rob’s Day” Tyler Hawkins, the movie’s hero is a young and angry guy”, he explains,serious for a while. “when I was nineteen, I had a short period of rage, like I was confused”. Angry Like Jack Nicholson, his idol?
What we surely know is that Rob Pattz has the gift of ipnotize crowds, on screen and in the real life. Fans follow the adventures of the ipotetical couple that he made in the real life with his twilight co star, Kristen Stewart, but neither he or she confermed their relationship. He always says he is a bachelor. He says often that 99% of what tabloids say about him is false. So fans wait,and following his true love story, it seems that he is living his story with them too.

People like us, that see in this young actor, rock and roll style, sexy and different from any other actor, the true new blood of Hollywood.
